Relik Ragwear
Black Bear Lounge - Madison
The go to place for hard rockers and metalheads through most of the 80's and early 90's, The Black Bear, built in 1974, was popular but controversial for having trouble with law enforcement authorities over the years. Rumors of the entire bar being a Coke deal much of the time ran rampant in some circles. A Reddit post claims the patrons would order pizzas on occasion for the obviously not-so-undercover-enough narcs parked nearby.
In the early days, there was a separate downstairs bar where, apparently, most of the shenanigans would occur. That would be closed off in the late 80's / early 90's in favor of the sticky carpets of the main floor.
Owner Muriel Gervasi closed it in 1995, and alas the only Madison heavy metal bar was gone.